Want to create more coaching clients? Questions to ask yourself

🤔Want to create more clients? Ask yourself these questions➡️

1️⃣ When was the last time you talked about your offer?

Yeah, I know you posted a motivational quote and vulnerable af story.. in the last few weeks. 

But did you actually tell people what you do, how you can help them, and how to work with you? 

2️⃣ How well do you know everyone that’s following you?

Stop expecting people to invest into your offer(s) when you haven’t even taken the time to get to know them. 

Odds are, if you don’t know who tf they are… they most likely don’t know you either.

Remember, sales require relationship and trust. You can take initiative on building those.

3️⃣ Are new people coming into your community? 

If the answer is no… you have a major problem in your overall marketing method. You need new people coming into your community in order to create new clients! 

How you can create visibility and take action to build new relationships? 

4️⃣ How are you talking about your offer?

The truth is, sometimes people might be bored. 

What new and unique ways can you create interest are your offer? A workshop? A challenge? Live video?

Shift some things up and see what happens.

If you’re ready to start creating premium coaching clients from an empowered place of fun, play, and possibility… this is exactly what we work on in my 1:1 coaching container.

❤️Inner work + 🔥Strategic action.

The 2 foundational pieces that take you from overwhelm, confusion, 0 clients… to worthy, wealthy, and showing up magnificently in both life and business. 

📲DM @becomingroselle for more info.