Finding Your Coaching Niche | A Complete Guide For New Coaches

As a new coach, you’re probably sick of hearing “you need to pick your niche”. I was sick of it too! But the truth is, it’s an essential step for running a profitable coaching business. You are one coach in a sea of millions of other coaches. At the end of the day, potential clients are asking, “why should I work with you instead of this other coach?” Finding your coaching niche sets you apart as a specialist instead of a generalist - building trust and authority in your particular segment. In this post, I’ll share simple tips to help you narrow down your niche.

First, What is a Niche?

The definition of a niche “is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. The market niche defines the product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs” (wikipedia).

In addition, your coaching niche is about the “what” and the “who”. It clearly identifies who you serve and what you help them with.

Why Does Finding Your Coaching Niche Matter?

Overall, businesses that market to EVERYONE market to NO ONE. Identifying your niche allows you to successfully market your coaching business and target ideal customers.

Other benefits:

  • gives you information so you can speak in your ideal client’s language

  • understand the pains & pleasures of your ideal clients

  • helps you clarify your message

  • positions you as a specialist instead of a generalist

  • makes marketing & content creation quicker & easier

The Mindset Shift to Finding Your Coaching Niche

Too often, new coaches fear that finding their coaching niche will “push potential customers away”. I’ve definitely felt this fear too. We can shift our mindset to ones of scarcity to one’s empowerment and abundance.

The truth is, when you are a “generalist”, you allow yourself to be lost in a sea of thousands of other coaches. When you identify your speciality, potential clients are more likely to work with you. They understand that you provide a service that helps them with their unique challenges.

In fact, finding your coaching niche doesn’t necessarily mean that clients OUTSIDE of your niche won’t work with you. You’ll be surprised by how many want to work with you simply because of your experience or expertise!

For example, I’m a business and marketing coach for new women coaches, but I still get clients that are freelancers, virtual assistants, and other service providers.

2 Steps to Finding Your Coaching Niche

1. Reflect on Your Skills, Experience, and Passions

More than likely, you became a coach so that you can help someone else overcome an obstacle you’ve experienced. Ask yourself how you can function in your zone of genius and where you can mesh this with a niche.

Some reflection questions can be:

  • what unique gifts do I bring to the world?

  • what do people come to me for?

  • what do I love doing?

  • if niching weren’t a thing, who would I serve and how?

2. Consider the Top Coaching Niches

Once you’ve gain some clarity, research popular coaching niches. See where your interests, skills, and passions align, and pick one!

Examples of the Most Profitable Coaching Niches:

  • Health & Fitness Coaching

  • Business Coaching

  • Career Coaching

  • Executive Leadership Coaching

  • Women Empowerment Coaching

  • Chronic Illness Coaching

  • Spiritual Coaching

  • Dating & Relationship Coaching

Discover Your Unique Angle

Finding your coaching niche is essential for successfully marketing and selling your coaching services. The more specific you can get, the more clients will be ready and excited to work with you! However, it’s not enough to just “choose a niche”. Discover how you can uniquely set yourself apart. Whether it’s your message, your story, or your framework... the most successful businesses take an approach that makes them stand out!

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Finding your coaching niche | A complete guide

Struggling to narrow down your coaching niche? Book a free 45-minute clarity call with me here. We’ll uncover your zone of genius and come up with a custom plan to level-up your coaching business!