How do you attract clients to your new online coaching or consulting business? Most will say CONTENT IS KING - and I agree 100%. However, aimlessly posting on social media isn't going to get you anywhere. Creating content with intention means beginning with the end in mind. Understanding the buyer's journey will help you purposefully craft content so that ideal clients are ready to purchase. This post will break down what the buyer's funnel is and how to make content for every stage of your ideal client's journey.

The Buyer’s Journey and content marketing for coaches and consultants

What is The Buyer's Journey?

"The buyer's journey is the process buyers go through to become aware of, consider and evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service." -(Hubspot)

Essentially, the buyer's journey is a content marketing method used to prep your ideal clients to purchase. Many new business owners get discouraged when they post their offers and hear crickets. On the other hand, some post daily on social media but feel disappointed when their content does not attract clients. The buyer's journey provides a guide to nurture clients to know, like, and trust you and your services. From there, they will then be ready to work with you!

The 3 Phases of the Buyer's Journey

  1. Awareness Stage: Your ideal the client realizes they have a problem. They are researching tips and strategies to solve their problem.

  2. Consideration Stage: Your ideal client clearly defines their problem. Now they are considering different ways to invest in a solution.

  3. Decision Stage: The ideal client chooses a solution and invests in a product or service.

Content Ideas For Each Phase of The Buyer's Journey

content ideas for every stage of the buyer’s journey

Awareness Content Ideas

"81% of online conduct online research before making a purchase" (Adweek). This is why content is crucial to your client attraction strategy. It's an opportunity to show potential clients that you are the go-to business/brand to solve their problems. In addition, the awareness stage is the ideal time to show up for your ideal clients in this way.

At this stage of the buyer's journey, powerful content should be long-form written blogs, videos, podcasts, or even social media posts. They are primarily educational, inspirational, or story-telling posts. They do not involve selling, but they are created solely for the purpose to make ideal clients aware of their problems and possible solutions.


  • How-To Posts

  • Educational Guides

  • Step-by-step tutorials

Consideration Content Ideas

At this point in the buyer's journey, your ideal client is aware of their problem, and they are seeking a solution. The consideration stage is your chance to position yourself as an authority in your niche or industry. The big question to answer here is, "why should I work with you?"


  • Client testimonials

  • Case-studies

  • Live videos

  • Webinars

  • Masterclasses

  • Personal success stories

Decision Content Ideas

By now, you've educated your audience and proved your expertise. During the decision stage, your ideal client is finally ready to make a purchase. But where and how do they do it? Use this stage of the buyer's journey to create content that has a clear call to action. Make it simple for ideal clients to know how they can get signed up to work with you.


  • Trial offers

  • Demos

  • Free consultations or coaching sessions

  • Services and/or Offer Guides

Final Thoughts

Every business has a different buyer's journey and sales funnel. Regardless, the buyer's journey is a helpful way to know where your potential clients are in the process. You can use this information to intentionally craft content and guide clients to buy.

That being said, it is important to note that a successful content/social media marketing strategy starts with good foundational practices: understand your ideal client, conduct thorough market research, and develop a clear sales funnel/buyer's journey.

Struggling to attract clients with your social/content marketing strategy? My 1-on-1 coach training program is perfect for new service-based women entrepreneurs that ready are to up-level their marketing efforts to hit consistent $3k-$5k months.

Book me for a FREE clarity call here.